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lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Business Communication and Writing

If you can take a few minutes to think about business and management, and write down in a list all the things that are necessary to manage a business successfully, you might think that your list would go on forever. Words on your list might be products, services, goods, dates, shipping, factory, manufacturing, time management, accounts, balances, profits, quotas, costs, prices, import tax, sales plans, selling, payment, operations, and many, many more. It is very easy to lose sight of the most important word in any business: PEOPLE -staff, personnel, workforce, customers- without them, no business would work.

And even if all the people were in place, still no business would work if these people did not communicate with each other! Communication between people in business is extremely important for a business to run. The better communication, the better the business will work.

Taken from: Business English of Communication (1999)

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